Friday, November 21, 2014

Blizzard Bags F.A.Q.

What is a Blizzard Bag Day?
A Blizzard Bag day is a snow day during which students will work at home on assignments planned by their teachers. Assignments may be completed on computer or using books, pencils, pens and paper. There may also be other types of activities assigned which can be completed at home.

How will my son or daughter receive instruction?
The lessons sent home in the Blizzard Bags are meant to enhance direct instruction by having students practice concepts that have been taught, do some independent research, and work on short and long term projects or complete writing assignments. Assignments will vary with age and grade and in some cases individual education plans (IEPs).

My child has special needs. How will he/she work on assignments?
Special education teachers will work with classroom teachers to modify assignments as appropriate. Related service providers will also provide lessons appropriate to the services students receive during the school day. The special education teacher, service provider and classroom teacher will also be available to your child via computer.

Do I have to have a computer?
No. All Blizzard Bag assignments will have an option to complete the assignments by means other than with a computer.

Should my child be on the computer or working on school work for the exact number of hours he/she is in school?
No. Five to six hours of constant school work without lunch breaks, recess, moving between classes etc., would be difficult for any child. When at school students have many opportunities for learning together and for social interactions. However, with regard to the time frame, it is likely to be a more focused, useful and productive day for students if the time on task is around 4 hours.

Does four hours meet the State requirement?
The hours of instruction required by the Department of Education are met through this program. In fact, the District has been given approval by the Department of Education. We also want to assure that students are using their time productively. If we do not have a very high percentage of participation, we will not continue the program. Also, required by the New Hampshire Department of Education, is an 80 percent attendance rate.

How will I know if it is a Blizzard Bag day?
You will receive an Connect 5 message saying that school is cancelled and that the day has been designated as a Blizzard Bag day.

Will all of our snow days be Blizzard Bag days?
We don’‛t want children to miss the fun of a good old fashioned snow day; so, the first school cancellation will be a snow day not a Blizzard Bag day. In the first year we will limit our Blizzard Bag days to two.

When are the assignments due?
The assignments are due the day following the Blizzard Bag day.

What constitutes attendance?
When a student hands in the Blizzard Bag Assignments, they are considered present. 

What if my child is sick and does not do the assignment?
A child who is excused due to illness will have the same amount of time to make up the work as with any absence.

When must teachers be available?
Your child will have a schedule during which time the teacher will be available online to answer questions or discuss the assignments. Students may contact their teacher between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm.

If my child does not do the work will they be marked absent?
Yes. Missing assignments also affect a student's grade. However, if there is an extenuating circumstance, our policy on absences will be followed and students will be given additional time to complete the assignments if the lack of assignment completion is deemed an excused absence.

How does my child know what to do?
Your child will be given specific information on exactly how to proceed.

Do I need to help my child?
Your child should be able to complete most activities independently, though they may want to email, or go online with their teachers. Teachers will be available during the day to: clarify directions, answer questions, make suggestions for additional resources, and to explain concepts. 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Blizzard Bag Slideshow

This is our Blizzard Bag presentation that was shown at the Academy's assembly on Thursday, November 13, 2014.